: Celebrities Alert and Popular News : Geniuses Guy's (Louis CK) On Jackass CelebritiesALert

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Geniuses Guy's (Louis CK) On Jackass CelebritiesALert

Jackass star Ryan Dunn died in a fiery car crash Monday. After hanging out with friends in a Philadelphia bar late into the night, Dunn drove his Porshe into woods in the city's suburbs, killing himself and an unnamed passenger, the Associated Press reports. He was 34. Dunn was famous for his masochistic stunts, as when he dove into a sewage tank. His early death makes Pitchfork's Stephen M. Deusner's interview with Louis CK the more poignant. The interview was posted Monday morning, so obviously the comedian had not heard the news. But his analysis of Jackass' brilliance is interesting as other fans are struggling to talk about Dunn's death.

The Jackass movies are honestly some of the best movies I've ever seen. I laugh so hard at them. Those guys are geniuses. If they had grown up with a different group of people, they could've been performance artists at Bard College, and people would be writing papers about them. There's a real beauty in it, and there's a release to watching those movies. But it's because they're doing things to each other as friends. If they were going around and hitting old ladies in the head, it would be horrible. What if Hitler had won the whole thing and we were living in Nazi earth There would probably be a version of Jackass where they're doing that shit to Jews. That would be funny to Hitler, but it wouldn't be funny to me-- not because it's anti-Semitic but because it's just not good comedy. But I don't think I should always humiliate myself on stage, I just find a laugh at the end of that rope a lot.

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Geniuses Guy's (Louis CK) On Jackass CelebritiesALert